An ancient itch we cannot seem to scratch is our ongoing inherited sin nature. The one we inherited at the fall of
April 28, 2016
An ancient itch we cannot seem to scratch is our ongoing inherited sin nature. The one we inherited at the fall of
In a 1st century letter to Philemon, Paul of Tarsus and his friend Timothy write to Philemon and those with him a warning. The
[avatar user="PercyAnson" size="thumbnail" align="left" /] Our culture is ablaze, flamed by a rhetorical fuel that is kindling the flames that are burning down
This week American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and actor Prince Rogers Nelson died at his home/office in Chanhassen, Minnesota. As news
The Characteristics of Conventional and Popular Wisdom Drinking from a cup of so called "progressive enlightenment" our culture imbibes on an elixir of