Over-dependence on an overactive media culture is causing a destructive erosion and perverse reshaping of sensible and reasonable thought and worldview. Typical champions of truth, reason, clarity and integrity have acquiesced the defense of all that is right, beautiful and good by permitting themselves to be wooed by an opiate like culture of entertainment, pleasure, and overindulgence, giving rise to swindlers who are pretenders of tolerance and so-called opponents of hate speech; all while wielding a reprehensible rhetorical style intended to harass, foment anger, incite hate and intolerance while themselves being hate mongers clothed in Trojan horses presenting a new and self-defined righteousness and piety, acting as unholy ministers of self-worship, pretending to gift our culture with unbridled liberality, improved standards of morality, while promoting and championing a culture of endless pleasure and entertainment.
Does it sound familiar? Does it sound like the plot of a film, or perhaps even older, the plot and ploy of a master thief, a master deceiver, a destroyer of old whose been scheming and throwing between since the beginning of our time?
Ask yourself, who do you think their father is? The answer is, the father of lies.
Sucking a slurry of entertainment, aggrandizement and self-appeasement while rushing back and forth between the big screen of Self-indulgence and the cliff of despair, pointing hither and to at suffering, blaming objects for the efforts of sinful human hearts, over generalizing over emphasizing culture flaws like equality, offering a better way, a newer way, but not really solving anything, rather fomenting more hate and bias, in the name of eliminating hate and bias, but only through their specially design programs that serve them and their agenda, creating rule and law that ensures theirs perpetual ownership of the issue and ability to eliminate their foes by rewriting the rules to fit their liberality and worldview.